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Planned Power Outage

A planned power outage will take affect for residents in the San Clara area on July 6th.
Manitoba Hydro says in a release they will be interupting the electrical service and surrounding region from 10am-2pm.
The areas that will be affected runs along Highway 83 starting north of Roblin and then extends northwards and eastwards toward Childs Lake, including San Clara and Boggy Creek.
The outage is to let Hydro workers install new lightening arrestors to reduce the chance of a power outage during a storm.
Approximately 300 customers will be affected.
Manitoba Government Amends The Mental Health Act
Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Kelvin Goertzen announced yesterday that an amendment to the Mental Health Act (MHA) will allow police officers to transfer custody of individuals awaiting an involuntary medical examination to a trained, qualified individual as defined under the act.
Currently, a police officer must wait with a patient until a medical examination is completed.
The minister said this amendment will enable police to transfer custody of an individual detained under the MHA to a qualified person, other than a police officer, who would remain with an individual detained under the MHA until they have received the assessment.
Goertzen said in a release that the government recognizes the importance of keeping those in need of involuntary medical examinations safe while in custody and to protect health-care workers and the public, and they believe it is equally important to promptly return police officers to their policing duties in the community. 


Canada Day Cigarettes 

Anti-smoking advocates are fuming over a tobacco company's special ``eh-dition'' packaging for Canada Day.

Rob Cunningham of the Canadian Cancer Society says Rothmans Benson and Hedges' marketing of its Canadian Classics cigarettes underscores the need for plain packaging of tobacco products.

Cunningham says it's wrong that a tobacco company is using the theme of Canadian pride to sell cigarettes.


Manitoba Government Adopts Act To Continue Serving Francophone Community

The Manitoba government has adopted the Francophone Community
Enhancement and Support Act.

Culture Minister Rochelle Squires says French is entrenched in the history of the province and the francophone community continues to be an integral part of its development.

The minister says this is one of the most significant provincial commitments to the francophone community since the first French language services policy was introduced in 1989 and the Chartier report was tabled in 1998.

The act will establish a Francophone Affairs Advisory Council comprised of senior officials and community members to advise and make recommendations to the minister responsible for francophone

Trucks and trailers have already camped out at the Dauphin Countryfest grounds. 

The weather for Dauphin's annual Countryfest is supposed to be phenomenal but it could raise some issues. 

Today is the day everyone has been waiting for, Countryfest kicks off today, but it is reminded that everyone drive safely.

Kyla Suss is the recipient of this years Ernest and Elizabeth McGirr Award for Academic Excellence.

If you have walked in the underpass here in Dauphin, you may have noticed that it's been painted a lot brighter.

Dauphin's Countryfest is upon us and it looks like local businesses are jumping on board.

Since the fair will still be in full swing by the time Canada Day rolls around, the Dauphin Fire Department wants the public to know that you cannot park in the grounds area for the fireworks.

A Winnipeg man has died in a rollover on Highway 1.