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Saturday's Ceremonial Tribute in Remembrance will be the next step in the healing process for the families of those that were on the bus headed to Carberry when it collided with a semi-truck.

Patrick Furkalo's mom Margaret was among the 25 people on that bus on June 15th of last year.

He feels it is important that something was done by community and family members to recognize the people that were involved in this tragedy.

"It is a chance for people through the community going through the grieving process to just meet people and share their stories and talk to them.  (The victims) were people that have been around for such a long time and were pillars in the community that stepped up."

A particular focus of tomorrow's memorial will also be on the first responders that attended the scene after the crash.

Furkalo says he is looking forward to meeting some of them, and in particular getting answers to the unanswered questions of what happened immediately after the crash.

"We know that some are coming and we want to thank STARS Air Ambulance and thank those responders.  We understood that each person that was in the crash had someone beside them, holding their hand and talking to them.  This will give us that opportunity to find out who they were, and hopefully we get a chance to talk to them   about that."

The ceremony will include speeches from several dignitaries, as well as the unveiling of a permanent monument, recognizing all 25 people on the bus as well as the first responders that assisted them in the hours of the crash.

Furkalo says the monument will be an amazing remembrance.

"The monument is going to stand out, and will give people the opportunity to reflect on the folks that were involved, and the community pride that goes into hosting something like this, and having that memorial there."

The event begins at 2 pm on Saturday at CN Park.

A reminder that if you are planning to attend the ceremony, you are encouraged to bring a lawn chair, as seating at the event will be limited.

Also, the city will be closing 1st Avenue Northwest between Main Street and 1st Street Northwest between noon and 5 on Saturday for the ceremony.

Those that are unable to make it to the service in person will be able to watch a livestream of it on Pathways Funeral Home's website.

And the Dauphin Active Living Center will host a memorial tea following the ceremony until 4 pm.