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17 were killed and another eight were injured.

It started as what was supposed to be a great day at the Carberry Casino for a group of seniors from Dauphin and the area. It ended in heartbreak when the minibus they were driving in collided with a semi-trailer. 

It was one of the largest crashes in Manitoba history as 17 people were killed. It is the tragedy's first anniversary on Saturday, and a monument will be unveiled at CN Park. Speakers at Saturday's memorial include Cory Lafontaine, The Honourable Wab Kinew, Mayor David Bosiak, Reeve Ernie Sirski, and RCMP Superintendent Jeff Asmundson, to name a few. 

Superintendent Rob Lasson, Officer in Charge, RCMP Major Crime Services and Acting Criminal Operation Officer for the Manitoba RCMP had this to say. 

"I want to reiterate my condolences to the family members that lost loved ones that day and I also want to thank everyone for your unwavering patience and understanding to the RCMP," said Lasson. "It took quite a while to do the investigation based on the complexity. As promised, we will be providing the answers that are needed. Evidence has been gathered and it's now sitting with the Crown."

It was a crash that affected so many. From immediate family members to friends to the RCMP, it was a tragedy that claimed the lives of so many amazing people.

"I felt an emotional attachment and a committment to the family and the community," ended Lasson. "To this day, it has had a significant impact on myself, my staff, and all of my colleagues. It is something that we will never forget."

Lasson also added that all those lost will never be forgotten. 

Saturday's proceedings will begin at 2:00 p.m. at CN Park.