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The holiday season often has a lot of libations and travel associated with it, and a local initiative wants to make sure those don't overlap.

The Dauphin Ride Program has been around for over 30 years, started by the late John Shuttleworth in 1992.

The program offers a way to get both yourself and your vehicle home if you are out drinking during the weekends this holiday season.

Duos attend the calls for a ride. They collect the caller's keys, and one gives them a ride home while the other drives the vehicle home.

Shosho Shuttleworth carries on the program that her father started all those years ago.

"I like to say we're in the business of saving lives and getting people home safe and sound"

She also mentions that this program is always looking for volunteers.

"They can get in touch with me, or my husband Cory at home. Our number is 638 1463."

This program is run in part through the RCMP. The RCMP does expedite the background checks for people involved to help Shuttleworth find excellent safe drivers.

The program runs every Friday and Saturday up until Christmas, and again on New Year's Eve.

So if you're looking to make sure people are staying safe on the roads this holiday season, consider joining up with the Dauphin Ride Program.