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The province and St. Amant are going to work together to provide an enhanced respite care option to children with disabilities, as part of a new pilot project.

The two-year pilot includes the creation of two overnight respite homes – a four-bed home in Winnipeg and a three-bed home in Brandon. 

Families Minister Rochelle Squires made the announcement today.

“Respite care is one of the most requested services by families that are raising children with disabilities. While services are available, we know that more needs to be done to support those families who face additional challenges when raising their children.”

The minister adds that out-of-home overnight respite and family supports enhance the range of services outside of the child welfare system by offering families:

  • a holistic and family-centred approach to services that meet the needs of children and their families at the earliest opportunity, and help children and their siblings, parents and extended families build confidence to successfully care for children at their homes
  • services that support the right of children to life-long connections to their families, communities and cultures, and acknowledge the best way for children to achieve positive life-long outcomes is to be raised within their families, communities and cultures
  • the ability of children to enter respite care at any time of the day to ensure the least disruption for their families

Squires says a minimum of $3 million is being committed to this pilot.

“We want to ensure that families have access to services that meet their needs, including innovative respite options, that are supported by trained and experienced workers.”

The minister notes that with this initiative, the Manitoba government is adhering to a key recommendation in a report from the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth.

The pilot will be evaluated at the end of the two years.