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May is National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, and with the warmer weather we’ve been having, more motorcyclists are on the road.

MPI is set to launch its public awareness campaign “Watch For Motorcycles” next month, to increase road safety awareness between drivers of vehicles and motorcyclists.

Motorcycle fatalities have doubled in 2019 compared to the previous 10-year average.

When on the road, MPI wants motorcyclists to remember these tips:

  • Wear the right gear, including an approved safety helmet, eye protection, jacket, pants and boots.
  • Try to be highly visible whenever possible by wearing bright or fluorescent colours such as yellow, red or orange to enhance visibility.
  • Ride with your headlight on and in a position on the roadway where you are visible to motorists and out of their blind spots.

When driving, it’s important to remember the following:

  • Always look twice when changing lanes and at intersections to be sure there isn’t a motorcycle or moped in the blind spot.
  • Watch for signals. It may be hard to see a motorcycle or moped’s turning signal so watch for other signs like shoulder checking which can indicate the rider is planning to change lanes or turn.
  • Keep your distance. Motorcycles and mopeds may stop faster than other vehicles. Maintain a following distance of at least four seconds and increase this distance at night or when it’s raining.