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Dauphin – Swan River – Neepawa MP Dan Mazier has strongly condemned the federal government’s decision to ban the sale, transportation, importation, and usage of a list of firearms that were previously legal to licensed gun-owners.

Minister of Public Safety, Bill Blair announced on May 1st that 1500 models and variants of firearms have been banned.

Mazier understands why Canadians are upset.

“Let me be clear, I will always support common-sense firearms policies that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals and combat gang-violence; however, this firearms ban will not do that.” Adding, “Look at the data; the vast-majority of gun crimes are committed with illegally obtained firearms. How does taking away a legally purchased firearm from a legal firearm owner address the problem?”

Some points Mazier has made are that strict requirements are already in place to own firearms in Canada, which requires the owner to have an up-to-date Possession and Acquisition License. Intensive training courses, frequent background checks, transportation and storage regulations, magazine capacities, and continuous eligibility requirements exist as well. Additionally, requirements to be a member of an authorized firearms range, additional training and safety courses, and registration of firearms is also mandatory for those who hold restricted firearms licenses.

Mazier points out that the Conservatives have already presented a plan to target crime and gang-violence including measures such as support focused on police anti-gang and gun units, action on rural crime, tougher sentences to violent offenders, a task force that focuses on the smuggling of firearms across the border, and increased access to mental health and addictions treatments.

 “I can guarantee that if the government were to put forth funding for anyone of our proposed initiatives, it would do more to combat the root cause than a firearms ban ever will.”

Mazier is unhappy that the announcement was an Order in Council, which results in no parliamentary debate.

“The Trudeau Liberals have made it clear throughout this pandemic that they do not respect the democratic role of Parliament. That cannot continue, they need to be held accountable. The Prime Minister should have introduced legislation with debate on this matter.”

Mazier says his office has received nearly 100 emails and calls since Friday condemning the ban.

He’s encouraging constituents to put pressure on Liberal, NDP, and Bloc MPs by calling and writing to their offices expressing the same concern.

You can hear more from Dan Mazier when he speaks to CKDM’s James Blake in the Parliament and the Parkland feature at 8:15 Thursday morning.