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DRCSS is providing instructions to students regarding out-of-class learning next week.

Students will have all of next week (9:00-3:30) to drop off their homework packages. In order to alleviate congestion at the school, Grade 12’s will have Monday (April 13th) to drop off their packages and to pick up any new learning materials not sent by their teacher electronically.  

The same process for Grade 11’s will occur on Tuesday (April 14th); Grade 10’s Wednesday (April 15th); Grade 9’s Thursday (April 16th)

Students with any questions can contact Mr. Casavant by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

DRCSS wants you to ensure your child’s name/class/teacher are clearly labelled on the homework package during drop off. They're also asking you to include contact information (phone number, email address) for parents/guardians.