Costumed youngsters will be patrolling the streets across The Parkland later today for the yearly tradition of Halloween.
As they gather their goodies from willing homes, trick-or-treaters are reminded to follow some simple safety tips.
Dauphin Fire Department chief Cam Abrey says it is a good idea to pre-plan the route you are going to take.
"Make sure you're not crisscrossing in the middle of the street, work one side of the block, cross over, and start the other side of the block. keep safety in mind!"
Abrey adds you should always take your time, keep your heads up at all times, and look both ways before crossing the street.
He also suggests wearing something reflective on your costume so that drivers will have an easier time seeing you.
As for after you are done trick or treating, Abrey reminds you to let your parents check your candy first to make sure everything is safe to eat.
"We want to make sure that all the treats are safe to eat for the little ones. and you know, parents, they don't mind sampling some of those kid's treats too."
Overall, Abrey hopes everyone has a safe and enjoyable evening.