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Yesterday we reported on the Dauphin Correctional Centre Coalition getting a response from Justice Minister Cliff Cullen.

A part of that letter said an agreement has been reached with the MGEU regarding the jobs at the DCC.

MGEU President, Michelle Gawronsky shares her thoughts.

“We’ve reached the best deal we could at this point. It’s still not an agreement that’s satisfactory to justice in Manitoba and what is needed. There is a jail and that healing centre is desperately needed in our province. The government has not reversed that decision, we’re still calling on the government to do that.”

Gawronsky says the deal provides options.

“Which range from displacing junior members in Dauphin according to the collective agreement, taking a position at another correctional facility if they choose to relocate, others are feeling they can’t do either, they’re going to be forced to leave the service, either through retirement or by accepting a permanent layoff. Like I said, this is not meeting the needs of justice, it’s not meeting the needs of the members, and it’s certainly not meeting the needs or having any consideration for the community.”

Gawronsky says that even though there’s an agreement in place for the jobs, they won’t give up in the fight to change the government’s decision.

“We will still call on this government to reverse that decision, maintain the jail in Dauphin, build the new jail and build the new healing centre as was promised. On Thursday, March 5th, we will be presenting the petition that has been signed by hundreds and hundreds of Manitobans to support this decision in reversing the government’s decision.”