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A national recall is in effect for certain types of diabetes medications due to the concerns that it could be linked to cancer. The recall is for certain brands that contain metformin, one of the main drugs you would be prescribed to take if you were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. The drug helps control blood sugar levels.

However, the recall doesn't affect customers who go through Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy or the Winnipegosis Clinic Pharmacy. 

"We're definitely getting a lot of questions and we're monitoring the situation pretty closely," said Barret Procyshyn, Pharmacist at the Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy and Winnipegosis Clinic Pharmacy. "We're happy to report that it doesn't affect the metformin that we use at both of our stores."

Some of the certain brands are linked to contain high levels of an organic compound called N-Nitrosodimethylamine or NDMA. Although the recall hasn't hit the WCP or DCP just yet, Barett can't confirm that it won't indeed in the future.

"There could be some shortages down the line, but that hasn't happened yet," continued Procyshyn. "We have seen this type of thing happen in the past where a certain type of medication is taken off the market somewhere and then right here at home."

Staff at the WCP and DCP has been instructed to order as much supply as possible so they don't run out.

"That's because Metformin is such a commonly used medication," he continued. 

If you are on metformin and you're concerned about the shortage, it's recommended that you talk with your pharmacist so a plan can be made. 

"Don't run out of your medication before you re-order it, that's really important," Procyshyn concluded.