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Tomorrow is the last day to attend Dauphin Arts Fest performances.

The final concert starts at 7:00 and features the best musicians, dancers, and performers of the week.

Organizer, Cheryl Nicholson, says this past week has seen some exciting performances and she is excited for Sunday.

 “Sunday evening is our final concert. That’s another free event. That evening you will hear a lot of the performers that have been in the adjudicated events all week. So the piano, the dance, the violin and fiddle players and even some of the band members that have been playing all week long.

The Final concert for Dauphin’s Arts Fest starts at 7:00 tomorrow night at the Watson Art Centre.

Dauphin Habitat for Humanity is looking for volunteers.

Rodney Juba, Chair for Habitat explains what the group needs.

“We are looking to fill out our subcommittees, especially in the area of fundraising and media and public relations. As our activities are kicking up with Habitat for Humanity, we are looking to expand our committee accordingly. We do need extra hands on deck to help out.”

Interested residents can ask any current Habitat member for more information, and they ‘ll be set up at the Dauphin Kinsmen Business Expo on April 21st and 22nd.

16 new child care spots are being allotted to Roblin Children’s Centre.

The provincial government announced today an investment in early learning and child care spaces.

Local MLA, Brad Michaleski, notes how needed this is for Roblin, especially after their facility sustained a fire.

“I’m really, really pleased that we that we were able to support the Roblin Children’s Centre to the tune of just over $300,000 for a renovation of their existing space.”

The province is spending $22.8 million dollars to create 780 new licensed early learning and child-care spaces.

 There are only a couple more days to take in everything at Dauphin’s Art Fest.

Organizer, Cheryl Nicholson, is excited to take in the Piano Night tonight and the open mic night tomorrow.

She tells 730 CKDM this week is a great way the community can appreciate the different forms of art found here in the Parkla

 “We really want to use it as an opportunity to showcase all of the talent that is in the area and all of the opportunity to us here.”

The Piano Night begins at 7:30 this evening featuring pianist who have participated in adjudications earlier this week as well as two special guests.

Zero energy homes just got a lot easier to purchase.

Sundial Building Performance unveiled their Kithouse Premier model at the Winnipeg Home and Garden Show.

Eric Bjornson, President of Sundial Building Performance explains why Sundial is so unique.

“We’ve been doing energy efficient renovations for the last 15 years and have started doing some custom new homes, so Passive House, Net Zero, and high performance houses. We realized that these homes cost a lot when they’re being done as a one off, and unfortunately because of that only a select few people can afford them. So we sought out to find a way to build high performance, very low energy houses in a way that can be affordable for the average homeowner.”

Kithouse is launching their ready to assemble kits at the RBC Convention Centre on now till Sunday.

For more information, contact Bjornson at 204-999-5539.

Residents of the Parkland have been left shovelling themselves out after a storm hit yesterday.

Highways around Dauphin are reporting as icy with blowing and drifting snow.

With temperatures warming up in the foreseeable future, the snow is not expected to stick around for very long.

Smart phones will now receive emergency alerts as part of a national expansion to Alert Ready.

Starting today, Manitobans will receive alerts over their cell phones when it impacts their area or an area they may be in at the time.

Manitoba Minister of Infrastructure, Ron Schuler, tells 730 CKDM what kind of alerts would be issued.

“If it’s a weather event, it would probably be done through the federal government, through Environment Canada; so if there is a catastrophic weather event predicted or there’ve been funnel clouds spotted, then it would go through Environment Canada. Basically if it’s something like a train derailment or a serious event like that, then it would go the Manitoba Emergency Measures and we have the save ability as Environment Canada to put a message on people’s phones.  Again it’s not just on cell phones that you would see this, it would also be on your t.v. and radio.”

Those areas that don’t have cell phone coverage, would still receive alerts via radio and television.

This system works independently from some of the ones that some municipalities have purchased, like Code Red, for their own emergencies, but they may have capabilities to be linked like All-Net’s Connect.

On May 9, at 1:55 in the afternoon, an emergency test will be done on the alert system, so Manitoba smart phone users can see how it will work.

Two local pharmacies are going to be impacted by the loss of a pharmaceutical contract.

MediSystems is in the process of taking over the contract for personal care homes in Prairie Mountain Health.

Pharmacist at the Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy, Barret Procyshyn, has some unanswered questions about the deal.

“I also understand that there’s economics at play here and the government feels that they should try and save money on this. They feel they will save money on this Request For Proposal.  I would still like to see how much and to make sure again, that there isn’t a hidden cost like extra shipping costs and things like that.  At this point, I think MediSystems is going to go in there and do the job, I would just ask that everyone keeps tabs on whether the quality of care is good.”

The contracts will be fully transferred over by July 31 and local pharmacists won’t be able to provide any future assistance to PCH patients.

The first scheduled pick-up of yard waste in Dauphin will start on Tuesday, May 1st.

It was supposed to start on the 17th but the cold temperatures and remaining snow has made it tough for residents to start their yard clean-up.

For more information or to sign up for a green bin please contact City Hall at (204) 622-3200.

Dan Mazier is happy with the passage of the Transportation Modernization Act in the Senate during its second reading.

The legislation is to help resolve the current grain backlog plaguing the ag industry.

Mazier traveled to Ottawa earlier this year to speak to the committee responsible and pushed for certain amendments.

He is happy the bill passed with all the amendments KAP supported.

“Pressuring the long haul inter-switching; adding soybeans to the schedule 2, known as the maximum revenue entitlement list; and the most important one the motion of power, the ability for the Canadian Transportation Agency to actually investigate problems switchers are having without have to issue a formal complaint.”

There are still some steps to do before the bill passes by June, but it’s heading back for a third reading.

Volunteers with the Nature Conservancy of Canada conducted an owl survey in Makinak woods last night.

Volunteers either hiked or drove a route, stopped at check points to listen and look for owls.

Local volunteer, Michael Weedon, talks about what he encountered while doing the survey.

“As it turns out we did see one owl, it was a little bit too far away for us to positively identify 100 per cent but we speculated it was probably a Great Horned Owl. And then we also did hear a Northern Saw-Whet Owl briefly on one of the stops as well.  So all in all it was a fun experience.”

The survey is done annually to help determine the different species of owls in the region.