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The Dauphin Ag Society has announced the recipient of its 2024 bursary.

Chase Sliworsky will graduate from Winnipegosis Collegiate this month and has been accepted to the University of Saskatchewan in their Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program, with his major being in Animal Science. 

Chase grew up on a cattle ranch in Meadow Portage and eventually hopes to become a Veterinarian.

In a post on the Dauphi Ag Society's Facebook page, Chase thanked the Society for awarding him with their one-thousand-dollar bursary this year. 

Dauphin's Mayor is proud of how the community has supported the families and others that were impacted by last year's bus crash near Carberry.

In reflecting on the year that has passed since the June 15 collision that left 17 local people dead and 8 others injured, David Bosiak made particular note of how the tragedy has brought people together.

"I saw that in our community as they stepped up to help to support the families and the survivors over the past year.  I know that it kicked the city in the teeth pretty hard last June and July and I know that it was probably a more somber than usual summer and fall in the city."

Bosiak adds June 15th will always be a significant day for the city.

"It was a monumental tragic event for our community.  And so I think that this one year anniversary signifies the fact that the community has not forgotten about the event, or about the families affected by it.  And that this memorial now will be a constant reminder."

Bosiak gives special thanks to EMS and other emergency services providers, as well as the Ministerial Association in Dauphin, who he says played an important role in helping the families and the community as a whole immediately after the accident. 

A special Ceremonial Tribute in Remembrance is planned for 2 pm Saturday afternoon at CN Park.

A 29-year-old from Sandy Bay First Nation is facing several charges after a crime spree in the community.

On June 11, Manitoba First Nations Police Service (MFNPS) officers received a report that a stolen truck was driving in the community with multiple people inside with a firearm. When patrolling the area, officers spotted the vehicle on Main Road. The driver fled from police at a high rate of speed; however, officers were able to identify the driver.

The vehicle was located outside of a residence on Lake Road South. After a short foot pursuit, the driver was arrested without further incident and it was found that the truck was stolen from Carman, Manitoba. A 22-250 rifle was also found.

Jordan Kenneth BEAULIEU (29-year-old) of Sandy Bay was held in custody and charged with the following offences;

  • Possession of property obtained by crime over $5000
  • Unauthorized possession of a firearm
  • Possession of a firearm when knowing possession is unauthorized
  • Unsafe storage of a firearm
  • Possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose
  • Possession of a firearm/ammunition in a motor vehicle
  • Weapon possession contrary to order
  • Fail to comply with release order condition x2

Judy Kearns spends her days taking care of orphaned cubs.

As owner of Black Bear Rescue Manitoba, Judy and her husband work directly with Conservation Officers who receive calls about cubs that are running around without any signs of their mother.

In the most recent case, a momma bear was shot and killed.

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"In my opinion, this is a crime against nature," said Kearns. "Those three cubs rely on their mother greatly. They were still nursing and needed their mom. It's such a terrible thing to do."

Three cubs were then left to fend for themselves and would have had very little chance of surviving at just five months old. That's where Black Bear Rescue came in to save the day.

Conservation Officers delivered the three cubs to Judy, who has a rehabilitation centre set up in Stonewall. The cubs now have a safe place where they will be fed and they have the room to grow.

Judy is happy to report that the three cubs are in great spirits and are doing very well. They will be released in the fall.

"We work in conjuction with Natural Resources Department to choose good release locations that are remote and are good bear territory," offered Kearns. "We make sure it is a spot that has plenty of food and what not. We transport the bears there and release them."

In all, Kearns says she currently has 14 bears under her care at the centre. While she never had thought of getting into this line of work, it has now become her dream job.

"I'm glad to be doing this, it is a priviledge to have this opportunity," ended Kearns. "I'm a big animal lover. There was a need and I hated hearing about little orphan cubs that never had an option and in many cases, died because of that."

If you ever spot orphan cubs while you are out and about, you can call the Manitoba TIP line at 1-800-782-0076. You can also call Judy at Black Bear Rescue at 204-461-4320. 

The Manitoba Summer Games are just 59 days away.

That means that in 59 days, athletes from the Parkland will be going up against the best athletes from across the province in several sports including volleyball which will be played at Credit Union Place and track & field which will take place at the DRCSS. Many of the top facilities in the region will be used for the event that will welcome hundreds and hundreds of athletes, families, and their friends to the Parkland.

As we inch closer, volunteers are still needed. People with Class 1 or 2 licenses are welcome to register to drive the bus while Mayors are still needed for each village. Your duties as Mayor include organizing the welcome centre and being the first point of contact.

Cam Bennet is among those who will be volunteering and he says doing so is a great way to give back to the community.

"I have always been a big believer in volunteering and giving back to the community," said Bennet. "You just look at what we have because we hosted back in 2004. Vermillion Park Sportsplex, the track, and that's now being added to."

If you are interested in volunteering but you have time constraints, there are options for you. Even if you can only lend a hand for one day, Bennet says you should register.

"Not even just during the Games, we are looking for volunteers before the games, we have a lot of potatoes to cook," said Bennet with a chuckle. "After the Games, we are going to need help with tare down and putting everything in trucks and whatnot. So whether you can volunteer during the event or before or after, we appreciate it."

If you are interested in helping out, head to volunteer

The Manitoba Summer Games 50/50 raffle is also ongoing with the next raffle being on August 14 after Phase 1 of the Games. The jackpot will be drawn at the Closing Ceremonies on August 17. You can get details and purchase your tickets at Manitoba Games 50/50. 

As a part of the Manitoba Summer Games Report that airs Thursday mornings at 9:15 on 730CKDM, stay tuned in the coming weeks as local athletes and coaches will be featured as we inch closer to the Opening Ceremonies so everyone can enjoy a week that will certainly be remembered forever. 

Last night, Regionals Connections celebrated an important milestone with its English language classes.

32 students, all of whom started with no, or little, English got together to celebrate graduates of the course, who received certificates for their excellence in the English language.

Local dignitaries Mayor David Bosiak and Executive Assistant Charlene Gulak (on behalf of Minister Ron Kostyshyn) attended as well, to offer their congratulations. 

Maria is one of the teachers at Regional Connections, who recognizes the challenges of learning a new language.

"It usually takes many years for the students, especially they come with zero English to Canada, it takes many years. However, they're introduced to many new opportunities as increase they upgrade their language level each year."

Maria also noted the importance of Regional Connections and the many services they provide.

"Regional connections provide really important services for new comers and it include settlement, English class, and employment services. I'm part of the language services, and the students that come to our classes really need that because they sometimes come without any English knowledge and they're very passionate about integrating into the community as fast as they can."

For more information on the amazing work they do, visit the Regional Connections Website.

Weather Canada has The Parkland and beyond under a severe thunderstorm watch.

The RM of Riding Mountain West has been upgraded to a severe thunderstorm warning.

Thunderstorms have developed over portions of southeastern Saskatchewan which will begin to track east into southwestern Manitoba early this afternoon.

Storms like these have a high chance of extreme wind, lightning, heavy rain, and large hail.

Several locations have the possibility of Tornados as well.

For an actively updated map of this storm system, visit Weather Canada's Website

As well, if the 730AM signal is crackling from storm interference, you can try out the Radio Player Canada App for crystal clear audio at all times.

Two local cases involving Brandon residents were back before the courts this week.

39-year-old Cody Genaille, who was one of four people arrested following a February drug and weapons bust in Dauphin, had his matters put over until next Monday.

And a 24-year -old woman who was one of three people arrested after a series of armed robberies in Dauphin in March has also had a new court date set.

Mallory Catcheway will return to Dauphin court on July 8th.

The latest results of the Provincial Governance Review are in after the MVSD board of Trustees was put under the Microscope.

The Minister Of Education has appointted an oversight panel to support the MVSD board to ensure it progresses on key priorities such as diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation.

According to the Update posted on the MVSD website, this panel will consist of the following members:

  • Frances Chartrand, Cabinet Minister of the Manitoba Metis Federation
  • Jim Murray, School Trustee, Brandon School Division
  • and Andrea Zaroda, Staff Officer, Manitoba Teachers' Society.

The Announcement further states that this panel will assist in navigating recent board and staff turnover, strengthening governance practices, and community relations.

 The Rural Municipality of Dauphin stated on Tuesday that it will terminate its current Dauphin Recreation Services funding agreement with the city at the end of this year, unless a new agreement can be reached that they say pulls away from the previous per-capita model, and reaches "an agreement that benefits both municipalities".

"We are having a regular council meeting on Monday where we will discuss (the R-M announcement)." says City of Dauphin Mayor David Bosiak when reached by CKDM News Now for reaction. "Then we will have a formal statement on Tuesday, mostly to clarify what was in their news release and to give our side of the story and fill in some of the blanks that were missing."

Bosiak is still hopeful that a new agreement can be reached.

"On behalf of all of the residents of the City, I think a partnership is always better,  But if they have made a decision that they do not want to participate, then I can not change that.  We have had the discussion with them for 18 months now, and they have made a decision."

Another week, and another crop report filled with less-than-ideal conditions.

The rain was fairly isolated, but still unwelcome, as most areas in Agro-Manitoba have received well over 150% of expected rainfall since may 1st.

The Northwest region had the second-highest rainfall, and the highest minimum, with 44.3mm in Birch River and 8.2 mm in Reedy Creek respectively.

Paired with this were fewer than average growing degree days, which have slowed down early plant growth a fair bit.

Notably,  Provincial seeding progress is about 92% complete and behind the 5-year average of 96% for the second week of June.

Spring cereals, peas, and grain corn are approximately 97% complete. Canola and soybean planting advanced as well, with 88% of canola acres and 92% of soybean acres planted.

Many of the unseeded acres are expected to be planted to canola. 

Fall rye crops are generally at full head emergence, and winter wheat is following closely behind it.

Spring Cereals are rapidly approaching completion, with Spring wheat seeding at 98% complete, barley and oats at 97% and grain corn at 98%.

Oil Seeds continue to struggle, Sunflower planting is at 61% completion across the province, canola at 88%, and flax at 76%

While both Flax and Canola have decent growth, Sunflowers are struggling with the cooler weather.

Pulse and soybeans are near completion, but seem to be stalled by standing water, as they haven't moved much from last week.

Field pea planting is at 97% completion across the province, Soybeans at 92%, and Dry bean planting is at 86%.

The pastures sure have greened up with all the rain, but like everything else, it needs a good boost of sunshine to really kick-start growth.

The extra water has raised some concern when it comes to foot rot in cattle herds though, so many producers are aiming to keep their cattle in the high ground.

Breeding season has begun on some farms, with bulls being placed with cow herds. 

Producers are checking their fences and carrying out necessary maintenance work ahead of the grazing season.

Moving closer to home, the Northwest region again saw cool, cloudy, and windy conditions for most of the week along with scattered showers.

Seeding is continuing where possible, with some acres being seeded around potholes.

The strong wind drew away a minuscule amount of moisture but created a lot more difficulty for Herbicide applications.

Plenty of crops are feeling the stress of standing water.

that being said, Winter wheat and fall rye have begun heading.

Approximately 92% of spring wheat is seeded and the earliest seeded wheat is tillering. Canola is approximately 80-85% complete, with further progress in the Roblin and Swan River areas.

Stages of canola are varied due to the challenges of seeding this spring. Most advanced canola is at the 2 to 4-leaf stage. 

Soybean crops continue to emerge and most advanced soybeans are in the unifoliate stage. Field pea seeding is complete and most fields have emerged.

Flea beetles have also begun to become a problem, and some canola did need reseeding due to the damage.

A week of solid sunshine and warmer temperatures is what's on everyone's mind, as it would cause a speedy end to seeding and much-needed growing degree days.

Until next week, We here at CKDM wish everyone a safe, speedy, and productive season.