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The RCMP confirmed he was caught on the Sandy Bay First Nation.

He was transported back to the hospital with what is being described as "serious" injuries.

A 33-year-old from the Sandy Bay First Nation is facing numerous charges after successfully fleeing his arrest.

On Thursday at 11:15 a.m., Ste. Rose RCMP responded to an impaired driver on the Ebb & Flow First Nation. The suspect abandoned the vehicle on Lake Road NE and fled on foot headed into the bush. While running away from officers, the suspect removed some of his clothing and left it behind.

As the search continued, officers found that the vehicle was stolen from Austin, Manitoba, and found a sawed-off shotgun. The suspect was eventually found while on a snowmobile in very deep snow. However, the suspect escaped but became stuck, and fled on foot. He was not wearing shoes and suffering from extreme frostbite at the time. He was eventually caught and transported to the hospital.

When in the hospital, he left. Blake Beaulieu of Sandy Bay First Nation has been charged with numerous offences including Theft of a Motor Vehicle, Flight from Peace Officer, and Possession of Firearm.

RCMP are searching for Beaulieu as his medical condition is possibly life-threatening and are requesting anyone who may have information on his current whereabouts to contact the Ste. Rose du Lac RCMP at 204-447-3082

The incoming Tariffs will be a prominent topic of discussion for the upcoming Manitoba Beef AGM.

Carson Callum, executive director of Manitoba Beef notes that the formal discussion will focus on the provincial Live Stock Inspection program, but international affairs are on the minds of many.

"A couple of weeks ago, when we thought the tariffs were going to come into place, before the delay, local auction markets were seeing a downturn in price for live animals that folks were getting. Big price impact will be the most short term."

With short-term effects already rearing their head, the long-term effects can only be speculated.

Callum will join the noon hour of review on Tuesday to further this conversation.

The RCMP are pleased to say that Patricia has been located safely.

At 3:15 p.m., the RCMP upgraded this to a SILVER ALERT. See full story below.


The Russell RCMP are looking for a missing 86-year-old female that was seen in Dauphin earlier this week.

Patricia Sawadsky was last seen on February 14 at 11:30 a.m. in Russell and it was believed she was travelling to Dauphin in her 2017 black coloured Ford Fusion with British Columbia license plate GA524H.

Earlier this week, she was spotted in Dauphin.

Patricia is 5'8" with brown hair and brown eyes, and a medium build. If you have any information or see her vehicle, call the Russell RCMP at 773-2105. 

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With Louis Riel Day taking place this long weekend, many events are happening, despite the cold.

According to coordinator George Hartlan, the Friends of Riding Mountain Group is not afraid of the icy conditions, as they have a full weekend planned.

"This weekend, we have a number of activities. on Saturday, we have our scavenger hunt, bannock roasted, group snowshoeing, and we're serving French Canadian pea soup at the office here"

Hartland is no stranger to combatting the cold, and he's excited to get people out for some winter fun.

"Having a good time in the outdoors is always fun and exciting for our staff and volunteers... it's a good opportunity to go out as a group, meet some new people, and see what the trails are all about in the winter season."

The weather may be fairly brisk, but the weekend full of activity will surely keep people moving and warm!

The second annual Rogers Rhythmic Rumble is set for Saturday night in Eriksdale.

The Battle of the Bands style event is also a fundraiser for the RogerKimLee music festival, and organizer Derrick McCandless says the winner will get a prestigious performance spot during the festival later this year.

"We thought what a great way of checking out a band by having some kind of a contest, and then we could offer that band a prestigious spot at the festival."

Four bands are currently lined up to perform in the competition, but McCandless says there is still time for more musical acts to sign up.

"Anything from a singer/songwriter to a poet to any kind of genre.  Kind of an anything goes except for karaoke acts."

The winner will also receive a $500 cash prize. 

Doors at the Eriksdale Rec Centre will open at 6:30 on Saturday night with the competition beginning at 7.

Admission is by donation. 

As we enter the Louis Riel Day Long Weekend, there is a closure to the emergency department at the Grandview District Hospital.

The closure begins Friday and the emergency department remains closed until Tuesday morning at 8. 

The hours from February 18 to 28 are 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., daily. 

The RCMP is looking to identify a man and vehicle of interest involved in two break-and-enter and theft incidents of over $5,000.

On January 8 and 29, Blue Hills RCMP were called to a business in the RM of North Cypress-Langford for the report of a break-in that happened overnight. A male broke into a Sea-Can container on the property and stole plumbing and refrigeration copper wire, estimated at over $40,000.

If you have any information or know anyone who does, call the Carberry RCMP at 834-2905. 

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The Louis Riel Day long weekend is shaping up to be a busy one across the Parkland.

The Dauphin Agricultural Heritage Society, the Dauphin Pioneer's Association and the Fort Dauphin Museum will all have displays at the Dauphin Marketplace Mall this weekend as part of Dauphin's Heritage Day Fair, which goes today and tomorrow (Friday and Saturday).

Besides hosting the Rogers Rhythmic Rumble on Saturday, Eriksdale is also hosting its Winter Carnival Weekend, which includes a quiz night, pancake breakfast, and a dance.

Sunday will see Louis Riel Day activities held in Winnipegosis, Russell and Lundar, with more events set for Monday in Swan River, Roblin, Birtle and several in Dauphin.

Among the Dauphin events on Monday is the annual Manitoba Snowshoe Run at Northgate Trils, put on by the Dauphin Rotary Club. 

For more details on these events, you can check out the community calendar section on our website. 

Wayne Wells joined the Dauphin Fire Department (DFD) in 1970 and became captain in 1979.

He spent four years in that position before being promoted to Deputy Fire Chief in 1984, a position he held with great pride for seven years until 1991. Wayne stepped down from that position, however, he remained a firefighter until 1994.

As life became busier than normal for Wayne and his family, he had to step back from his duties as a firefighter, but his story of serving and protecting was far from over. He re-joined the department in 2005 as a Safety Officer and remained in the position until 2007. Wayne made the tough decision to again step away from the department and he did so until his return in 2017.

Then on January 10, 2025, Wayne officially closed the firefighter chapter of his book. That was his last shift as a firefighter for the DFD.

Wells was honoured to have been allowed to serve and protect and while leaving the department was bittersweet, he is proud of what he was able to accomplish and knows the current firefighters work tirelessly to keep our community safe.

"I really enjoyed the camaraderie of the firefighters and being a part of the special group," said Wells. "It makes you feel good to help out the citizens of Dauphin and the surrounding community."

In a Facebook post, the Dauphin Fire Department thanked Wayne for his service and wished him the best in retirement. Speaking highly of all the firefighters, Wayne shared especially high praise for Cam Abrey, Dauphin's Fire Chief.

The two shared a special bond and already have made plans to get together moving forward.

"He is one of the best Fire Chiefs that we have ever had in Dauphin, there's no doubt about it," ended Wells. "I'm proud to be called a friend by him and be a friend to him."

In retirement, Wayne plans to spend lots of time outside fishing at Lake of the Prairies and Manipogo while also spending plenty of time camping. 

Fourteen children, ranging in school age from Kindergarten to Grade 11, were sent to hospital with minor injuries after their school bus collided with a pickup truck yesterday morning.

Pembina Valle RCMP says the accident occurred around 8:30 Wednesday morning in the RM of Lorne, adding it appears the pickup truck was travelling southbound when it hit the bus on its rear driver side.

That forced the bus to come to a stop on its passenger side, but all 14 kids on the bus were evacuated by the time emergency crews arrived on the scene.

The children were taken to hospital to be treated for their injuries, with some being further transported to Winnipeg for further evaluation.

The truck driver, a 17-year-old man, was also treated in hospital for minor injuries.

He was also charged with several offences under the Highway Traffic Act. 

Igloo is recalling more than one million of its coolers sold due to a handle hazard that has resulted in amputations.

The "Igloo 90 Qt. Flip & Tow Rolling Coolers" have a handle that could pinch fingertips against the product, resulting in fingertip injuries and some amputations.

There have been 12 injuries reported in the U.S., while no injuries have been reported as of this time in Canada. If you have one, stop using them and contact Igloo for a free replacement handle. 

47,000 have been purchased in Canada between 2019 and January 2025. They can be identified by model number and description, are in multiple colours with the word "IGLOO' on the side and were manufactured in the U.S. before January 2024. 

If you have one of the affected coolers, you can call 1-888-943-5182 or email to request a handle replacement.