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The RM of Dauphin is planning to put more into reserve funds, begin paying for the rural waterline loan, and paying increased external fees in their 2018 financial plan.

They are anticipating expenditures to increase by about $180,000 and to take over $600,000 from reserves.

Chief Administrative Officer, Robin Wiebe, explains how the council tried to best manage these increased costs.

 “Council really tried to temper the increases imposed upon us, which of course get passed down to council. They really tried to mitigate those effects and addressing that through using our reserves and accumulated surplus to supplement operations.”

In 2018, the Public Works Department has many projects planned including 26 approach installations, eight drainage maintenance projects, five major drain projects and one major bridge repair.

Wiebe warns that some of these projects are in jeopardy if the Provincial Municipal Road Improvement Program is not in effect.