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Sawyer Bauch loves to smile and she loves when other people are smiling.

Earlier this year at the Ashern Personal Care Home, it was all smiles not only for Sawyer but for every resident and staff member at the Care Home. While at Alf Cuthbert School in Moosehorn, Sawyer was asked by her teacher what one of her goals was. 

With no hesitation and no surprise, Sawyer wanted to make people smile. So she decided to train her miniature donkey named Fireball to be a service animal that could visit residents at the Ashern Personal Care Home.

The visit brought great joy to all involved.

"I wanted to bring my donkey to the care home because it makes me happy to see other people be happy," said Bauch. "It went great, everyone loved him. They were all interested and Fireball was so happy, he loves pets."

Sawyer has had Fireball for four years and spends as much time as possible with him. Previous to Sawyer getting Fireball, he had never been handled by people. Now he's a Bauch and Sawyer wouldn't have it any other way.

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While the visit at the Ashern Personal Care Home was outside, Sawyer is now training Fireball to be able to go inside. 

"I love spending time with him, he makes me so happy," shared Bauch. 

Sawyer plans on taking Fireball on more visits in the near future so if you're lucky enough to see him in person, give him a few extra pets and prepare to smile.