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The first harvest reports have begun rolling on the weekly Manitoba crop report.

Precipitation in some areas has certainly slowed the dry-down times, noticeably in the northwest, as we were the only location that saw rain across the entire area.

All other regions were generally dryer, with many locations staying dry the entire week.

Some of the earliest harvested crop numbers are in for fall rye and winter wheat and have begun in spring wheat, barley, and peas.

Early yield reports range from 90 to 120 bu/acre for fall rye, and 40 to 110 bu/acre for winter wheat in the central and eastern regions. These areas also have some of the higher harvest completion averages so far.

Most spring wheat has hit maturity, though some later-seeded crops sit closer to the soft dough stages. 

Most corn fields range from the silking to milk growth stages, with the latest fields at tassel. harvest has also begun on barley.

In oil seeds, crops are beginning to ripen for the most part. Canola is almost entirely podded, with earliest fields evening seeing swathing and pre-harvest applications.

The earliest seeded sunflowers have completed flowering and reached R6 (seed development), with later seeded fields ranging from late R4 to R5.9, and Most flax fields range from growth stage 10 to 11.

Field peas have seen the start of pre-harvest application, and even some harvesting taking place. Soybeans still range heavily but mostly sit in the Full pod stage.

Cereal silage is about half done and yields look average to above average. Yields in the northwest region are reported to be 8 tons/acre, but high humidity and heavy morning dew are causing issues in drying.

The general lack of moisture in the province slowed pasture growth, but it has also reduced the amount of area that causing foot rot from the excess water.

Dugouts are at roughly 80% capacity, and water supplies are holding steady.

The Northwest Region seemed to break away from the provincial trend last week, as most locations were warm and dry in Manitoba.

A cooler and wet week was seen in most of the region, with warmer conditions towards the weekend. Most areas received precipitation with The Pas station receiving the least at 3 mm and Rorketon receiving the most at 43 mm.

Winter wheat and fall rye crops are moving towards grain ripening, and Spring wheat is in the dough development stage, with most of the crop in the soft and hard dough stages.

Later seeded fields continue to catch up. Some advanced fields have received pre-harvest glyphosate.

Most field peas are in the R5 to R6 stage with the remainder of the crop closely behind. Earliest fields have reached the stage of desiccation with harvest beginning on a few fields.

The majority of the canola crop has completed flowering. Some later seeded crops in the Dauphin area continue to wrap up flowering.

Soybeans are in the R3 to R5 stage and looking good. The recent heat has helped advance the crops quickly, and recent rain helped with pod fill. Crops in the Dauphin region are at younger developmental stages.

That wraps up this week's look at the Manitoba Crop Report. As we move into the harvest season, here's hoping everyone has a safe and fruitful season.