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Delegates from across the province, and across the nation, will flock to Dauphin for a duo of anniversaries.

Soy Canada celebrates 10 years and Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers will see it's 40th, both being celebrated at a local farm.

Dauphin's Reeve, Ernie Sirski, a pivotal member of both of these organizations, is proud to have these events so close to home.

"It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since we formed (Soy Canada), and I was one of the founding members of it through Manitoba Pulse and Soy Bean Growers, so it's exciting for me as well. Coupled with that, we're also going to, according to plan anyways, hold it here on our farm."

Today, you might see representatives from both organizations touring local spots, and tomorrow after the AGM the plan is to have a charity golf match in Gilbert Plains.

Stay tuned for Thursdays Noon Hour Edition, as we'll catch up with Sirski about the AGM, and how the event went.