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Last night's Board of Trustees meeting was a bit different, with a much smaller board, and a much larger crowd attending.

It started with an address by Board Chair Gabe Mercier and was followed by minutes from meetings previous.

While the regular board meeting minutes from May 27th were reviewed with the public, the special meeting minutes from the 31st, where Stephen Jaddock was dismissed, were not.

Nearing the end of the meeting, concerned parent Jerri Thompson broke decorum to call for the board to be dissolved after recent controversies.

"Educate yourself, read the policies, read the bylaws, and get involved with your schools. Even if this board is dissolved, there is nothing to stop them from running again except for the public. We need to know who's running for our school boards, and we need to know they have the same values in mind as the broader community."

Thompson encourages any other parents to stay informed and voice their concerns.

While the Board did make note of the ongoing governance review, there's been no new information provided on that yet.