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Another week of wet weather made for a bit of a slowdown in progress.

This week's crop report was headlined by a special weather statement, as some areas of the province received massive amounts of rain and even some snow over a 48-hour period.

Winkler received the most precipitation accumulating 86.7 mm over 25 hours. Parts of the Central, Southwest, and Northwest regions received precipitation as wet snow as temperatures dropped.

The Northwest regions also saw a great deal of rain, as Amaranth logged 66.3mm, with the least being the Pas at 6mm.

Many areas have exceeded 200% of normal precipitation.

Across the province, seeding is slightly behind the 5-year average, though some locations have met challenges with the saturated soils.

Provincial seeding progress is about 64% complete and behind the 5-year average of 75% for week 21.

Winter cereal crops are growing well, with much of the early seeded cereals at the five-leaf stage with one tiller. 

Spring seeding for wheat is at 87%, barley at 79%, and oats at 76%. Grain corn planting is 80% complete with most of the early planted corn at V3 stage.

Oil seeds are still a bit behind, as canola and sunflowers are at 41%.

Pulse and soybeans range a fair bit, as Field Peas sit at 96% complete, Soybeans at 55%, and Dry beans at 24%

This excess rain was soaked up in the pastures, as there was tremendous growth. even then, low-lying areas still had some standing water that could cause some issues. 

Closer to home in the Northwest Region, the rain and snow were very unwelcome guests.

The areas of Mccrearly and Amaranth were bombarded by 66mm of rain, while the Pas or saw 6mm.

The recent precipitation has caused excess moisture concerns in the Dauphin/Ste. Rose/Grandview areas. Warm, dry conditions are needed as there are seeded and unseeded fields with surplus moisture.

Cooler weather has slowed down plant growth, which isn't all bad news.

Weed growth is also slowed, which is great, as herbicide application has been tough with how soggy the fields are.

Field pea seeding has pretty much wrapped up with progress approximately 99% complete, with the earliest seeded field peas are beginning V2 stage.

 Spring wheat seeding is 80-85% complete. Earliest seeded wheat is emerged and growing nicely.

Canola seeding progress is slower this week and is at 30% complete. Some of the earliest seeded canola has emerged and is at the cotyledon stage.

Soybean seeding progress is at 35% complete. Winter wheat and fall rye crops are growing nicely, however there was some reseeding due to winterkill.

This week luckily has less rain and more sunshine in the forecast, a welcome sight for everyone.

We'll be back next week with another edition of the weekly Manitoba Crop report.

Until then, here's hoping things dry up enough for some significant progress, and safe, speedy seeding.