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Dauphin's Watson Arts Centre will play host to the first of about a dozen stops on a tour by Winnipeg performer James Culleton.

The singer and artist has recorded 14 albums during his career and has been performing children's music for the past five years.

Culleton says people attending Saturday's show can expect to be participants in his performance.

"I am a visual artist, so part of my show is doing portraits of people in the crowd as I am singing.  And then there is lots of 'callback' in Super Fun' where I have a sign that encourages the crowd to yell out certain words.  And a lot of the songs are about making art and making music and encouraging others to do it."

He adds parents and children will enjoy his music.

"I like songs that are a little bit like a good Simpsons episode, where there is humour for everybody.  Parents are always chuckling, and a lot of the songs that I have written have that extra layer of funny that kids get too, maybe not today but IU think the jokes are for everyone."

The family show, titled "Super Fun" is set for 2 pm on Saturday.

Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children, while children 3 and under are free, but will still need a ticket. 

Tickets are available Thursday and Friday from noon to 5 at the Watson Arts Centre.