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CAA's 13th annual Manitoba Worst Roads Campaign has wrapped up for another year.

CAA's Ewald Friesen was excited to announce the title of Manitoba's Worst Road.

"We have to announce that dubious distinction this year goes out to 18th Street out in Brandon. #1 Worst Road."

Here's the full list of the top 10 worst roads:

  1. 18th Street, Brandon
  2. Leila Avenue, Winnipeg
  3. PR 307, Whiteshell
  4. Kenaston Boulevard, Winnipeg
  5. PTH 26, Saint François Xavier
  6. Empress Street, Winnipeg
  7. Pandora Avenue, Winnipeg
  8. Saskatchewan Avenue, Winnipeg
  9. Grant Avenue and Munroe Avenue, Winnipeg
  10. Inkster Boulevard and Richmond Avenue, Winnipeg

There were a couple of roadways in the  parkland areas that appeared on the list, namely Main street in Russel and Provincial Road 274 in Gilbert Plains.

Friesen hopes the level of involvement sparks some action from the provincial government.

"This year, we had 71 different municipalities participate in the campaign, and together they nominated 486 different potential worst roads. So that tells us there's no shortage of frustration out there."

It's not all bad news, as Friesen said some names have disappeared from the list.

"there are some success stories. for instance, highway 75 out in Morris, the province announced a $61 million investment to repair the road. year over year, St.James in here in Winnipeg, it was in our top 10 list, we dont hear about it any more."

 The next step for CAA is to take this information to the provincial Government to let them know which roads need the most work, and what work is the most important to the citizens of Manitoba.