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The Parkland Ukrainian Family Fund has brought dozens of families, and hundreds of people to the parkland during its time in operation.

This week, we look to highlight the incredible success and impact this program has had on Dauphin, the parkland, and the many new residents it has.

Don Tarrant is a founding member of this program, and he has some of the numbers:

"67 families have come in, We're well over 200 newly arrived Ukrainians in the last two years and I think there was like 11 houses bought, and i'm thinking we've filled over 90 jobs. A lot of ag jobs, a lot of farm customers, and also a lot in Dauphin."

Over $1,000,000 worth of funding has come toward this program in an outpouring of community support.

These funds covered travel and moving expenses, housing, and means of transportation to get around The Parkland.

Tarrant also expressed how proud he is of the community in the parkland, as many people, businesses, and organizations rallied together to help people in need.

We'll continue to highlight the overwhelming success of the Parkland Ukrainian Family fund throughout this week.