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It's mating season for coyotes and foxes.

That means male coyotes can become a lot more aggressive during this time of the year and they do pose just as foxes do a risk to your loved furry animal. You may also spot some around and while some may be skinny and look like they need food, Todd Tarrant says that is a big no-no.

"The best bet for people in Dauphin is to not feed the animals, no matter how skinny they look or how hungry they look," said Tarrant, Animal Control Officer. "Once people start feeding them, they get used to that and they will remain within city limits as opposed to going back where they should be in the country. They are wild animals."

It's also important to remember that there is a by-law within city limits that you must have a leash on your animals when you are off your property. Additionally, it's very important to ensure that your animals are not able to leave your yard. 

Taking these precautions can ensure that the worst possible scenario is avoided.

"They're wild animals and if there is an easy source of food, they are going to go after it," ended Tarrant. "Whether it's a rabbit, a mouse, or any domesticated animal such as a cat or a dog. I'm not trying to scare people, but the reality is that they are wild animals."