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In remembrance of those we lost on June 15th, the province is looking to provide some funding for a local memorial, as well as one on the intersection's location.

This announcement came as part of Monday's press release, attended by Premier Wab Kinew, Minister Lisa Naylor, and Minister Ron Kostyshyn.

The Premier recognized how important it is to have this memorial to honor the memory of lost loved ones.

"The community of Dauphin has been very hard hit, as well as folks nearby. We have to remember what took place, and think that will hopefully help with the healing process for some families and the survivors and the first responders."

Premier Kinew also wanted to make it a locally meaningful memorial, leaving the design to the people of Dauphin.

"We are committed to supporting the memorial, but we do not want to direct what's going to happen. We want to leave that to the families and the other folks that are involved."

The goal is to create this memorial by June 15th of this year to honor the anniversary of this incident.

Mayor Bosiak was pleased to hear how onboard the provincial government is with their support.

"The announcement today from the province of offering financial support was very well received by those family members. That was one of their concerns, wanting to do things in a timely way so something is up by June 15th."

There will be further consultation with the families, designers, and city planners before this project moves further ahead.