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A short but unique meteor shower will be visible tonight in the parkland area.

Scott Young is an astronomer with the Manitoba Museum, and he notes that the Qaudrantids meteor shower is a little different than most.

"This is a bit of an unusual meteor shower. Most of them fade in over the course of several days, peak, and then fade out. This one pretty much lasts just one night."

Young says that this is due to how this object comes into our solar system.

While the planets, and many comets, tend to orbit like "grooves on a vinyl", this meteor comes in at a nearly 90-degree angle.

Due to this angle, it creates a very short time for viewing.

According to Young, this is a one-night-only display, peaking between 3 am and 5 am tomorrow.

There may be some cloud cover, and a bright moon, but you'll still be able to take in this natural display.

That is if you're up early/late enough.