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Dauphin's Adopt-A-Family program is looking for a few more sponsors for this Christmas season.

Normally, the program sponsors around 145 families in the Dauphin area, but this year just 127 families have been sponsored so far.

Co-ordinator Laverne Hudson with the Catholic Women's League says the program matches sponsors with families in need of support during the holiday season.

"We will get the ages of the families and whether there is a mom or a dad, or a mom and dad, or whatever combination, and how many children do they want to adopt - do they want to buy the groceries and for just one child or groceries and for 2 or 3 children.  That is where they decide how much they are going to spend.  We have a specific grocery list that we like to have in each package."

The program works in conjunction with the Friendship Centre and the Angel Tree program to help lessen the number of hampers those programs need to put together.

With hampers going out next week, the Adopt-A-Family program needs potential sponsors to come forward by the end of this week, to give them time to purchase the items needed for their hamper.

Hudson says they are targeting several different groups to help them.

"A lot of businesses adopt, a lot of service clubs adopt, and a lot of different organizations or groups of people even adopt.  Sometimes 2 or 3 families will get together and adopt a family so that they can share the cost of  the groceries."

If you are interested in adopting a family you are asked to contact Laverne at 204-572-4677, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by this Friday.