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The community of Ochre River is looking into some means to make it's streets a little safer.

CAO of the RM of Lakeshore Micahel Besser has been concerned about the amount of crime and vandalism that takes place in the community, and is considering the assembly of a Citizens On Patrol Program.

The Citizens on Patrol Program is a crime prevention initiative where volunteers act as extra eyes and ears for their community and local law enforcement, and Besser thinks it's what the community could need.

"I've heard a lot of concerns, and it's been several vehicles over a couple of weeks that have been either stolen or destroyed. Everybody works hard for what they earn out here, and we don't want to see people's hard work going down the tubes just because somebody feels like they want to take something on a joy ride."

Besser also made two facts abundantly clear;

One, this is not a vigilante program, so no pitchforks and torches are involved. And Two, this is still in the planning phase, and nothing is solid just yet. 

If you want to learn more, or voice your opinion about this project, you can contact the RM of Lakeshore at 204 133 2423 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.