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Making sure that everyone is looked after at Christmas time is the goal of the Angel Tree and the Christmas Hamper program.

Program coordinator Robin Gambler says the tree is now up in the center area of the Dauphin Marketplace Mall.

"All of the angels are up on the tree, and there is an age and gender of each child.  They can grab whomever they want to buy for, purchase that gift, and if nobody is at the tree, they can drop it off at either the Dauphin Friendship Centre, or Parkland Title Loans, who are also collecting gifts for us.   Any monetary donations, we prefer they go through either the Friendship Centre or Title Loans."  

"The Angel Tree is for anyone who applies for a Christmas Hamper, all of the presents that are collected through the Angel Tree will ensure that every child receives a gift.", added Gambler.

They are looking for volunteers to sit at the tree between now and December 17th.  If you can spare an hour or two, you can sign up on the schedule at the tree or call 204-638-5707. 

Gambler adds applications for the Christmas Hampers will take place on Wednesday and Thursday at the Friendship Centre. 

"If (the family) is lucky enough to be adopted out, the agency or business looks after that family and buys everything including toys.  Families that do not get adopted out, will get their Christmas meat, milk, bread, potatoes, a toy for each child, and a gift card to finish off their grocery shopping for a Christmas dinner."

Applications for family hampers are being accepted today (Wednesday) from 11 until 6 in the back hall at the Friendship Centre, and tomorrow (Thursday) from 9 am to 1 pm in the front entrance of the Friendship Centre. 

Gambler says they are anticipating a greater need for the Christmas hamper program this year.

"With the higher cost of living and everything like groceries and rent, I think there is going to be a lot more applications taken in for families.  As well, through the food bank, we give out to individuals and couples on December 21st, and we are thinking that is going to be higher numbers as well."

The family hampers will be delivered on December 20th.