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Organizers of Dauphin Culture Days are ecstatic with how this year's festivities went.

Committee member Jean-Louis Guillas goes over some of the numbers.

"I just did a survey as an organizer for Culture Days nationally.  They want to know the number of participants.  I estimated that we had over 1,000 people involved in the 14 different events that we had planned over the three weeks.  And we had 150 creatives as I call them involved in putting on those events - whether that was dancers or singers or  storytellers."

He adds one of their goals every year is to encourage new people to work with them.

"One of the highlights was the Viking camp (during YardFringe).  That was the first time we had ever had a Viking camp in town.  That is exactly what the goal of Dauphin's Culture Days is - is making connections and celebrating the creative impulse that we all have within ourselves.  Whether that is storytelling or acting or doing improv - that was a big hit that evening.  The Open Mic series at the Watson Arts Centre is attracting more people regularly.

He adds preparations are already underway for next year's Culture Days.

"A nice thing about Culture Days is that it is a national program, and you can look in on other communities and see what ideas and what they are doing, and could that be done here?"