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The 2023-24 year is proving to be another busy one for local Rotarians.

"We are moving soon right into our book fair, which is now paired with our newest fundraiser Spirits and Sweets.  Tickets are on sale right now for that," says Dauphin Rotary Club president Lindsay Dingwall.  "We are about to launch the Gifts of Light, which are the Christmas trees that you see in CN Park.  It looks beautiful, it connects the community and it is a nice way to remember a loved one."

Dingwall adds once we roll into 2024, highlights will include Lobsterfest, a new craft beer tasting event, and a snowshoe run, as well as a spring book fair. 

The principle motto of Rotary is "Service Above Self".

And that is definitely an important component to members of the Dauphin Rotary Club, according to Dingwall.

"That is where I think everyone's passion really is, how you can contribute, where we can be most effective.  A lot of thought goes into where we give stuff to.  We can not give to every request but we do try, if we can not give money, to try and consider how we can be of service."

Dingwall adds one new area of service that Rotary has taken on as of late is a partnership with the Dauphin Active Living Centre that sees Rotarians deliver meals. 

"Our Meals on Wheels Delivery was cancelled just last month, so we had to find another service that we could pivot to.  And this came up and it just worked out.  So now we are doing Friday deliveries and that has been very rewarding."

Dauphin Rotary Club meets Tuesdays at noon at the Ukrainian Orthodox Hall, and anyone interested in possibly joining the club is asked to reach out to them through their Facebook page.