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A local organization continues to be a positive force in Dauphin.

The Dauphin Neighborhood Renewal Corporation made sure that everyone could have a hot, delicious meal to be thankful for, feeding 130 individuals who may have missed out on the season feast otherwise.

Temptations Catering regularly pairs up with the DNRC to provide hot meals 4 days a week, and the turnout on Tuesday was a big success.

Thank you to the volunteers and staff that made last night's Thanksgiving Supper a HUGE SUCCESS with 130 meals served to community members. Hoping we put some smiles on faces after a great meal!!

Posted by Dauphin Neighbourhood Renewal on Wednesday, October 11, 2023

As any Thanksgiving dinner should, the meal consisted of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, hot vegetables, garden salad, and dessert.

In a press release, the DNRC laid out the importance of their continued project of free meals.

"With 18% of Canadians struggling to keep food on the table, Thanksgiving can be an especially challenging time to those that are struggling with food security. The DNRC wanted to do its part to ensure that no child, no family, no community member has to spend this Thanksgiving season hungry."

The DNRC has been running meal programs for those in need in the community 5 days a week since December 2022, with close to 10,000 meals served in the calendar year of 2023 alone.

If you're looking to make a difference in your community, you can volunteer your time, or donate to the cause.

Donations for DNRC meal programming can be accepted by the Dauphin First United Church (tenant of the DNRC Community Centre) and charitable receipts will be issued.

When writing the cheque, make the cheque payable to Dauphin First United Church with the words “DNRC Meal Programs” in the memo portion of the cheque.

If you're looking to volunteer, you can contact Jason Gilmore by phone at 204-701-1110, or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..