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A Candidates forum put the local Candidates in next Tuesday's provincial election front and center to discuss the issues important to the people of Dauphin.

Both the NDP's Ron Kostyshyn and PC's Gord Wood made their stances on the many burning questions.

Kostyshyn was impressed by the breadth of topics brought up in the discussion

"We know that health care and education is a top priority, and that will continue to be.  But I think when we talk about the environment, about the agriculture component of it, and the crown lands sector that is quite near and dear to my heart, as well as health and education, it was quite a large variety of questions."

Gord Wood was happy to see his time knocking on doors prepped him well for the topics

"The questions were great, and these were all questions that we are getting at the door when we are visiting our communities.  So in one way, we were prepared in that regard.  But certainly, it was nice that people invested the time to send questions and really are engaging in the whole process."

Wood also remarked on a challenge that both of the candidates faced Wednesday night, the time frame to answer questions.

".Certainly I was feeling a little bit handcuffed with the one-minute limit.  Certainly, it was tight to get responses out, and even just to formulate the words that you want to get out in that time frame."

With questions ranging from healthcare, agriculture, education, and the economy, there's a lot to speak on in just 60 seconds

Kostyshyn notes that this forum was an important night for the campaigns to try and sway undecided voters before next Tuesday.

"Some people choose to wait until the last day, but I think as (Gord) indicated, as well as myself,  we are here to sit back and wait for the audience to come forward if they have any burning questions - we are more than willing.  Or  get a hold of us at the campaign offices and we will answer any questions."

If you missed the forum, it is available to watch online on the Parkland Chamber of Commerce facebook page