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Harvesting operations across the Northwest region have neared the three-quarters complete mark.

According to the latest crop report from Manitoba Agriculture, farmers were greeted with good harvest weather throughout the week, with some rain pausing progress in some areas on Sunday. 

The Ashville weather station recorded the warmest temperature of the week at 28 degrees, with the coolest temperature coming in at 1.1 degrees in the Inglis area. 

Spring wheat harvest is now about 98 per cent complete, with yields ranging from 50 to 90 bushels per acre, and quality being reported mostly as good, although there have been some reports of lower protein. 

Canola harvest is now about 75 per cent wrapped up, with yields averaging between 40 and 55 bushels per acre. 

Field pea harvest is now complete, with yields varying from 40 to 45 bushels per acre on fields with less precipitation, and 60 to 70 bushels per acre on other fields.

Soybean harvest has started in some areas, with more fields expected to be ready throughout this week,  Early yields are ranging from 30 to 35 bushels per acre. 

The report adds that most winter cereals have now been seeded.