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Dauphin's Selo Ukraina site is playing host this week to the Crocus Girl Guides 2023 National Camp. 

Over 500 Guides, Pathfinders, and Rangers from across the country are taking part in the week-long camp, which kicked off Sunday night. 

The event, which is held to share the sisterhood of guiding and reigniting the camping spirit among participants, also includes components surrounding nature and emergency preparedness. 

Participants will be both in the city and in the R-M  to engage in a number of activities not only associated with the girl guides movement but also centered around the local Indigenous and Ukrainian culture. 

That includes the opportunity to learn about Ukrainian dancing and creating their own Pysanka, as well as Indigenous dancing and medicine wheel creation. 

Geocaching, mountain biking, and exploring Riding Mountain National Park are among some of the other activities being offered to participants.