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Ukraine's 32nd Independence Day will be taking place, and Dauphin will be holding a few events to commemorate the day.

On August 24th, 1991, Ukraine declared itself an independent nation from the Soviet Union, and this has been celebrated annually since that time.

Stephen Jaddock is helping organize the events, and he wants to recognize the significance of the day.

"Given the current situation in Ukraine, it's even more important to get people out to celebrate that. We want to invite members of the public to be there, and to give organizations and groups a chance to say a brief speech and welcoming comments on the occasion of Ukrainian independence day."

Over the lunch hour from 11-2, CNUF will be hosting a BBQ selling Kuba burgers, and taking donations for their work.

Later at 7 pm, a gathering will take place in front of city hall where local dignitaries will present some speeches for the independence day celebration.

Everyone is encouraged to come out and show their support for this event, and afterward, the festivities continue.

Ukrainian newcomers will be hosting a social meeting in Vermillion Park at 8 pm. They'll be bringing an assortment of traditional Ukrainian food to show their appreciation for the welcoming hospitality shown by the citizens of Dauphin

Considering the outstanding attendance that was seen at the vigil held on a -20c night earlier this year, both city hall and Vermillion Park are going to be some busy venues.

Be sure to be there, 7 pm at city hall, and don't forget to bring your Ukrainian flag to show your support!