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Agriculture In The Classroom Manitoba (AITC-M), a charity organization that seeks to educate young students in Manitoba about the agriculture industry, recently got the significant amount of funding through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

"We are so grateful, we wanna give thanks to everyone who's supported us over the years, but the government of manitoba has been exceptional in helping us secure this funding", commented Katharine Cherewyk, AITC-M's Executive Director.

Cherewyk notes the funding will help with lots of things including expanding their programming to reach more students, putting together free hands-on learning kits for teachers, and it will also help alleviate the wait-lists for their direct-experience programming.

The charity organization was also helped by Keystone Agricultural Producers, who helped AITC-M advocate for their programs, which have similar goals to KAP.

"They are also really concerned about workforce growth and meeting the needs of the industry, so they've been extremely helpful to us", said Cherewyk.

AITC-M is a non-profit, charitable organization, that brings more attention to the agriculture sector to K-12 students in Manitoba. They aim to educate more young people about the issues facing the industry, the wealth of career opportunities available, and more.

Listen to CKDM's chat with Katharine Cherewyk below: