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"The Dark Side of the Moon" is one of the best-selling albums of all time and it's being celebrated in Winnipeg at the Manitoba Museum.

The album that was put out by Pink Floyd 50 years ago in 1973 is 42 minutes in length and the people that take in the show will be taken on quite the ride. The show uses modern technology to transport viewers through space and time. Winnipeg's planetarium is also one of just a few in Canada that is equipped to show it.

The album has sold an estimated 45 million copies worldwide and it's ranked fourth on the list of best-selling albums of all time.

Brandi Hayberg is the manager of marketing and communications at the Manitoba Museum and she says this show is a must-see.

"The album is paired with stunning visuals of space and the solar system," said Hayberg. "It really takes advantage of the capabilities of modern technology. It truly is an immersive visual audio experience."

Future shows are now scheduled for August 12, 17, 26, and 31. Hayberg also says they are planning on adding several more shows because things are going very well.

"It has been amazing, we just decided to do a small run of shows to see how it would go," said Hayberg. "People are talking about it on social media and saying how amazing it is and that they would pay triple their ticket price. They're also saying it is one of the most amazing shows that they have ever seen."

When future shows are announced, tickets are just $20 and you can buy them at 'Pink Floyd Show'