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To provide leadership on economic immigration and settlement in Manitoba, the Manitoba government has selected members of the Advisory Council on Economic Immigration and Settlement (ACEIS).

“Our government continues to work to advance Manitoba’s economic immigration priorities, particularly addressing labour shortages, encouraging economic development and supporting Manitoba’s francophone population,” said Jon Reyes, Minister of Labour and Immigration. “I thank the members of the ACEIS for joining the council and look forward to seeing their leadership translate into opportunities and supports for Manitobans, and those seeking to make Manitoba their new home.”

The ACEIS’ role is to co-ordinate and oversee the implementation of the Manitoba government’s Immigration Advisory Council (IAC) recommendations including the development of a provincial economic immigration and settlement strategy.

Members will serve 12-month terms which have now begun and end next July in 2024. While in past years, there hasn't been much rural representation, that is not the case this year. Among the 14 members of ACEIS is Stephen Chychota.

Also serving as executive director for the Parkland Chamber of Commerce, Stephen says recruiting new people and supporting the labour market is critical.

"We are trying to be active in the role of proactive immigration and settlement for our region," said Chychota. "We have wonderful services already established here and that is what we want to support. We want to bring in more people and support the labour market here in the Parkland."

While Chychota is unsure of what doors will open with his new position, he is very excited about their first meeting on Tuesday, July 18 in Winnipeg. Chychota also knows why the Parkland region is a perfect place for new business owners and immigrants to call their home.

"You drop someone anywhere in the Parkland and they take a look around, we have such a beautiful piece of the province," added Chychota. "The landscape and the communities we have are gorgeous, it's an incredible place to live. We have great recreation and it's a great place to work as well. There is a tremendous amount of opportunity to be had right here in the Parkland."

Current goals are to attract more immigrants and business investors to Manitoba and with that goal, the goal for Chychota is to attract them to come to the Parkland, whether that be Dauphin, Swan River or to any community in the region.