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Seeding progress in the province has surpassed the five-year average for the first time this year.

Provincial seeding is 97% done as of this week's crop report, just ahead of the 96% five-year average, and well ahead of the 87% for this time last year.

A mix of high temperatures, humidity, and showers/thunderstorms made for a mixed week in the Northwest region. High temperatures and soil moisture encouraged rapid growth, but extreme precipitation events cause damage in some areas.

Gilbert Plains and Ashville were the affected areas early in the week, with Ashville being the wettest location, seeing 53.6 mm. Over the weekend, the Swan Valley was the area hit the hardest, with two storms making their way through the area just south of Swan River, resulting in overland flooding, high water levels, and road washouts in some areas.

Spring Wheat in the region is around 98% seeded, with the majority of spring crops having emerged and looking uniform.

Pea and Soybean seeding is complete in the Northwest, with pea fields emerging and looking uniform, while the high temperatures have moved soybean crops along well.

Canola seeding is about 90% done in the region, with earlies seeded canola in the two-leaf stage, and starting to see some flea beetle pressure. Some of that pressure is requiring control.

Winter Wheat and fall rye are looking good and advancing, except for areas in the Swan Valley that saw a large amount of rain, which has plattened parts of the field.