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A 3D Printer At The Dauphin Public Library

A place for people to flex their creativity and build items of their wildest imagination will be coming to the city of Dauphin.

The Creative Common will be looking to provide the skills and tools that any crafty individual would need to bring thoughts and ideas into the physical world.

This collaborative workspace will have a lot of different equipment, and TCC Board Member Joe Houston tells about the selection of tools that could be crafting anything from wooden tables to complex robotics.

"We expect to offer a wide array of equipment including, but not limited to, 3-D printers, sewing machines, soldering stations, woodworking tools, and an audio recording space."

Aside from just offering the tools for people to use, The Creative Common will offer classes on the use of these tools if you're looking to build skills as well as crafts.

Houston's goals reach a lot further than simply educating and equipping people for their creative endeavors. He's even looking to build something more than just the workspace. 

"Our Makers is designed to be open to members of all skill levels and backgrounds and we're hoping to create that welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone. the goal of the space is to foster a vibrant and supportive community of makers innovators and entrepreneurs to can come together, share ideas, and inspire each other."

This space is slated to open late in the fall/winter season this year in Downtown Dauphin.

While there's still a lot of work to be done in setting up The Creative Common, Houston is excited to build it, and the community around it.

To stay up to date on the progress of The Creative Common in Dauphin, you can find their facebook page here.