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The Manitoba Government will be investing over $25 million across the provinces through the Building Sustainable Communities (BSC) program.

A total of 428 community development projects throughout Manitoba will be receiving funding, with over $623,000 coming to Dauphin.

Seven different allocations were sent to Dauphin from that total:

  • Dauphin CountryFest Inc. facility upgrade - $9,476
  • The City of Dauphin, Art Center Repairs - $25,000
  • Dauphin and District Snowmobile Club storage expansion - $67,987
  • Dauphin and District Handi-van for a new van - $71,394
  • The Neighborhood Renewal Corporation for community resource center upgrades- $75,000
  • Dauphin Recreation Services for iceplant upgrades - $74,500
  • Dauphin Recreation Services - Maamawi Park Phase 2 - $300,000

Maamawi Park's phase 2 notably received the maximum amount for larger-scale capital projects and The Neighborhood Renewal Corporation received the maximum grant for projects in the regular stream.

Several other communities around The Parkland area will be receiving funding, including:

  • Alonsa, 1 project totaling $12,239
  • Gilbert Plains, 2 projects totaling $251,200
  • Grandview, 2 projects totaling $84,677
  • Neepawa, 5 projects totaling $60,443
  • Roblin, 1 project totaling $18,586
  • Russel, 3 projects totaling $204,088
  • Ste. Rose, 1 project totaling $83,250
  • Swan River, 3 projects totaling $63,464
  • Winnipegosis, 2 projects totaling $88,568

Municipal Relations Minister Andrew Smith says the over-arching goal of this project is to help build long-term improvement for the entire province.

“Locally developed projects are, by design, tailored to address their community’s specific, unique needs and opportunities,” said Smith. “Our government is pleased to continue supporting community-based projects that foster thriving, sustainable neighbourhoods and improve residents’ quality of life.”

This budget doubled in size since last year's budget of roughly $12 million.

For the complete list, The Government of Manitoba Publication details all 428 projects that are being funded by this initiative.