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Dauphin Rec Services(DRS) are getting a financial boost for the construction of Maamawi Park.

Fusion Credit Union gave DRS $40,000 dollars as part of its Full Circle Grant program. DRS Assistant GM Lindsey Kyle says Fusion is an incredible organization, as they always give back to the community.

"They continuously give to community projects. There isn't much that comes to my mind that Fusion hasn't sponsored, or hasn't given to, or contributed funds, or volunteer efforts, that sort of thing."

Kyle says the money will go towards the construction of phase one of the park, which is an accessible toboggan hill says

"With that snowfall, we got in late April, it kind of delayed things a bit, so we are just kind of doing the site prep now, and the actual toboggan hill, the construction, will begin into the summer."

She says they hope that the toboggan hill will be done by the end of the fall, so it's usable this summer.