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The Parkland Ukrainian Family Fund has now brought 20 families from Ukraine into Dauphin. The first family arrived in town back in May and the 20th family just arrived in town just about a week ago.

Since arriving in town, the families have taken part in different activities around Dauphin, including Dauphin Kings games. Earlier this season, Nazar attended his first-ever Kings game and the team presented him with a puck. He has since been to multiple games and plans on heading to more in the new year.

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Tere Stykalo says it has been an incredible honour to bring in families from war-stricken Ukraine to Dauphin.

"It has been very satisfying to help folks that are very appreciative," said Stykalo. "All of these families have faced more trauma than we would even know about, yet they are strong and kind. They are willing to contribute to their new community and country."

Tere also said all of the families have been very thankful and are very happy to be in Dauphin.

"They are so humble and so gracious to have the opportunity that has been provided here for them," said Stykalo. "They want to be as independent as all of us and they are well on their way."

While the Parkland Ukrainian Family Fund would like to welcome more families to Dauphin, that is not possible at this time. Donations coming into the fund have slowed and Tere says they have run out of money to bring in families. With that said, they are hoping more funds come in. There are deductions available to any corporation that donates and there is a charitable donation receipt for any individual that donates. If you would like to donate or even just get more information about the Parkland Ukrainian Family Fund, you can call Larry at 204-648-5904. 

"There are other families knocking on our doors, there are constant requests to come to Dauphin," ended Stykalo. "That's a feather in this communities hat. The whole community needs to step back and be proud. The word is out that as families come to Dauphin, the support is second to none."

Tere also wanted to wish the new families a Merry Christmas as they prepare to spend their first Christmas in Dauphin and he wants to wish everyone else a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.