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The new Reeve and Council for the RM of Dauphin were sworn into their new roles at the RM office last night.

Ernie Sirski takes over the role of Reeve, winning a close election with 458 votes, to Tob Gibbs's 383. Sirski says he looks forward to getting to work with the new council, and he thinks the mix of experience and new councilors will help with the process.

"I have no problem at all thinking they're going to be a great asset to this municipality. Like I've said all along and I'll repeat this again we've got youth, we've got incumbents, and we've got experience, and that combination can be nothing but great for this municipality."

The experienced side of the council comes with former Reeve Ron Ryz, who was elected with 516 votes, and former Deputy Reeve Midge Sametz who collected 540 votes. The council is filled out with Tammy Koshowsky (596 votes), Todd Boguski (546 votes), Ken Shewchuk (431 votes), and Ken Plustwa (426 votes).

The council will have orientation next week, and their first Council Meeting will be Tuesday, November 15th. The new council will also be heading to the Association of Manitoba Municipalities Convention later this month.