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Bill C-288, which was introduced by Dauphin - Swan River - Neepawa MP Dan Mazier, was debated in the House of Commons at second reading earlier this week.

The bill focuses on internet providers having transparency with consumers. MP Mazier says it's time for consumers to know what they're signing up for when it comes to internet service, and be able to properly compare their options.

"Right now, when you go in looking for internet service they can offer 'up to' speeds. It's theoretical speeds, not what you can actually receive. This leads to consumers feeling misled and cheated at the end of the day because they're not buying the service they thought they were gonna get. This C-288 will actually clarify that. It will bring industry and consumers to the table to come up with a made-in-Canada solution that will allow consumers to actually be informed of what kind of service they are buying as far as how fast it'll be when they're using it at peak periods."

Mazier says this is just one step in the process, and there is still a lot of work to be done.

"It just had its first hour in the second reading, there's another hour yet. There'll be some more debate on it and then it will for a vote to go to committee. All indication is I have very broad support, especially among Canadians. Any time you can get transparency on these internet service providers for consumers I think people are pretty pleased with that, and it'll enhance the competitiveness as well."

You can watch MP Mazier's reading of the bill on his Facebook page below.

You Deserve to Know More About the Internet You Pay For

Parliament is debating my bill to hold internet companies accountable for the services they sell you. Canadians deserve to know what they are paying for, which is why I introduced Bill C-288. Watch my speech on this important legislation here:

Posted by Dan Mazier on Monday, October 31, 2022