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Lake Winnipegosis Ducks Unlimited will be hosting a start-up meeting at the Mossey River Inn in Winnipegosis tonight at 5:30 p.m.

Barret Procyshyn, chair of the Lake Winnipegosis Ducks Unlimited Committee, says that the main goal of the event is to attract volunteers.

"We haven't had a Duck Unlimited event now since 2019... so it's just [about] getting people back into the swing of things... I know some other events had some difficulties attracting volunteers and getting on people back on committees, so we're just trying to engage some past volunteers and, hopefully, find some new ones," Procyshyn adds.

Procyshyn says that there will be free chicken wings and beverages for everyone who attends tonight's meeting.

"We thought we'd have something a little bit fun to get the planning [of our annual dinner and auction] started off in a fun way... If you're new to the community or new to the area, it's a good way to meet some new people," he adds.

Procyshyn went on to say that there is a fair amount of work to hold the dinner and auction and that the more volunteers they have, the more fun it will be.