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The Dauphin City Council held its fifth meeting of the year tonight. Here are some highlights from the meeting.

There was a proclamation of support for Ukraine issued by the city council.

“We stand in solidarity with our Ukrainian friends and neighbors, offer our support in whatever way we can, hold the casualties of this violence close to our hearts, and recognize the sacrifices that are being made in the name of freedom and democracy in Ukraine”

The council talked about the importance of language and literacy and acknowledged that March 21, 2022, is World Poetry Day, and April 2022 is National Poetry Month.

“We encourage our citizens to enrich themselves through partaking in all forms of culture, we support the idea of promoting literature, and specifically poetry, in our community.”

The cities director of finance, Scott Carr, gave a report on why the city saw a surplus of $697,000 this year.

  1. saw a labor shortage in 2021, which resulted in work not being completed as budgeted.
  2. Higher than expected taxes on new construction.
  3. Higher than expected revenue at the landfill.

Most of the surplus is being transferred to reserve for future spending. The city will be using $33,000 of the surplus to cover the overage on snow clearing that they had. The only area the city was over budget was the purchasing of oxygen at the water treatment plant.

We planned to be using our new oxygen generator in June 2021 but the project was delayed and will be completed in 2022.

The next city council meeting will take place March 28th, 2022