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The government of Manitoba is providing over $241 thousand from the proceeds of crime to the Brandon Police Service, Cornwallis Police Service, and Rivers Police Service.

Justice Minister Cameron Friesen says the funding will go towards safety and crime prevention initiatives.

“One award of over $15,000 is being directed to the purchase of electronic equipment for the Online Child Exploitation Unit for the Brandon Police Service, where officers work to investigate cases of children being sexually exploited online. Another award will be used for emergent trauma kits that will allow officers to effectively intervene and provide emergency treatment on scene.”

The minister noted that Brandon Police Service is receiving more than $215 thousand through the Criminal Property Forfeiture program for safety and crime prevention programs including:

  • $17,422 for equipment for immediate emergent trauma kits
  • $10,791 for equipment for trauma care kits
  • $15,483 for software and hardware for the Online Child Exploitation Unit
  • $4,483 for cameras for the Forensic Identification Unit
  • $82,500 for mobile workstations
  • $50,000 for in-car camera systems
  • $24,500 for a digital fingerprinting system

Brandon Police Service, Deputy Chief Randy Lewis says once again the service was fortunate enough to receive funding from the Manitoba Justice Criminal Property Fund.

“These funds have allowed us to purchase much-needed medical equipment for our officers to carry on their person and in their vehicles, which will allow for timely first aid to be provided to fellow officers or members of the public.”

More information about criminal property forfeiture can be found here.