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Minnedosa is getting a new recreation centre, named after a former member of the legislative assembly and cabinet minister, Harold Gilleshammer.

Premier Brian Pallister made the announcement about Minnedosa Recreation and Events Centre yesterday.

“While investments like this support the health and well-being of community members, these kinds of critical infrastructure improvements also make a huge difference to the economic development and continued vitality of the community.”

He added that he’s proud to honour the legacy of Harold Gilleshammer by naming this recreation facility site after him.

Minnedosa’s mayor, Pat Skatch says she’s excited about the funding for the project.

“We look forward to the completion of this project in the near future as it will provide recreation and sporting opportunities in our community for many years to come.”

In addition to the current sport and recreation facilities on site, the new facility will feature:
•    a full-sized ice surface
•    five dressing rooms for athletes
•    a fully-finished kitchen
•    upper and lower viewing areas
•    an elevator for accessibility
•    an interior walking track

In addition to the province’s $1.7 million contribution to the arena and recreation centre project, the Government of Canada will contribute $2 million and The Town of Minnedosa will contribute $3.4 million toward the total $7.2 million cost of the project.